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Top Ten Proofs Christianity is the Only True Religion - Revised & Updated
2 CDs: $20 MP3: $16 CD+MP3: $25Sale Prices:
2 CDs: $15 MP3: $12 CD+MP3: $18.75
Top Ten Proofs for the physical Resurrection of Jesus Christ - Revised & Updated
2 CDs: $20 MP3: $16 CD+MP3: $25Sale Prices:
2 CDs: $15 MP3: $12 CD+MP3: $18.75
Top Ten Proofs for God's Existence - Revised & Updated
2 CDs: $20 MP3: $16 CD+MP3: $25Sale Prices:
2 CDs: $15 MP3: $12 CD+MP3: $18.75
Top Ten Proofs the Bible is True - Revised & Updated
4 CDs: $30 MP3: $24 CD+MP3: $38Sale Prices:
4 CDs: $22.50 MP3: $18 CD+MP3: $28.50
Top Ten Proofs Evolution is Scientifically Impossible - Revised & Updated
4 CDs: $30 MP3: $24 CD+MP3: $38Sale Prices:
4 CDs: $22.50 MP3: $18 CD+MP3: $28.50
Top Ten Proofs for a Young Earth - Revised & Updated
4 CDs: $30 MP3: $24 CD+MP3: $38Sale Prices:
4 CDs: $22.50 MP3: $18 CD+MP3: $28.50
Top Ten Proofs Dinosaurs Lived With Man - Revised & Updated
3 CDs: $25 MP3: $20 CD+MP3: $32Sale Prices:
3 CDs: $18.75 MP3: $15 CD+MP3: $24
Top Ten Proofs Theistic Evolution is not Biblical - Revised & Updated
2 CDs: $20 MP3: $16 CD+MP3: $25Sale Prices:
2 CDs: $15 MP3: $12 CD+MP3: $18.75
Top Ten Proofs Explaining Ghosts, UFOs and the Paranormal - Revised & Updated
3 CDs: $25 MP3: $20 CD+MP3: $32Sale Prices:
3 CDs: $18.75 MP3: $15 CD+MP3: $24
Top Ten Proofs for America's Christian Heritage - Revised & Updated
2 CDs: $20 MP3: $16 CD+MP3: $25Sale Prices:
2 CDs: $15 MP3: $12 CD+MP3: $18.75
Top Ten Proofs on Abortion: Answering the Top "Pro-Choice" Arguments - Revised & Updated
3 CDs: $25 MP3: $20 CD+MP3: $32Sale Prices:
3 CDs: $18.75 MP3: $15 CD+MP3: $24
Top Ten Proofs on Homosexuality: Answering the Top LGBTQ Arguments - Revised & Updated
2 CDs: $20 MP3: $16 CD+MP3: $25Sale Prices:
2 CDs: $15 MP3: $12 CD+MP3: $18.75
Top Ten Proofs Mormonism and Jehovah's Witness are False Religions - Revised & Updated
2 CDs: $20 MP3: $16 CD+MP3: $25Sale Prices:
2 CDs: $15 MP3: $12 CD+MP3: $18.75
Top Ten Proofs on Islam: Answering the Top Pro-Islam Arguments - Revised & Updated
2 CDs: $20 MP3: $16 CD+MP3: $25Sale Prices:
2 CDs: $15 MP3: $12 CD+MP3: $18.75